Installation (assuming you are already running Windows)
- Download Ubuntu ISO file - get it here
- Download and run Rufus to create the bootable USB image on your thumbdrive (your thumbdrive must be 4 GB or larger)
- Turn off BitLocker
- Turn off FastStart
- Open the Control Panel and select Power Options.
- Click on “Choose what the power buttons do.”
- Click on “Change settings that are currently unavailable.”
- Scroll down to the “Shutdown settings” section and uncheck the “Turn on fast startup” opt
- ion.
- Click “Save changes.”
- Turn off Secure Boot
- Note: If you are using a Surface device you need to hold down Volume Up while the machine is booting up. For all other devices you can press and hold the Shift key while the machine is booting up.
- Install Ubuntu
- PROs:
- Ubuntu is incredibly user friendly and supports well-known Windows hotkeys. It also comes with Libre Office - an open source suite of tools compatible with Microsoft Office.
- My laptop (an old Surface) feels much faster.
- CONs:
- I still haven't figIured out how to get the Surface's built-in cameras to work.
- The keyboard drivers are a bit wonky - sometimes the cursor jumps to another part of the screen if I type too quickly. This is annoying and I am looking for a fix.
- Overall:
- I like it a lot and am staying with it.
A fix for the jumping cursor when typing issue
- As stated above, after installing Ubuntu I noticed the cursor sometmes jumps to another part of the screen if I type too quickly.
- This issue can be fixed by blacklisting the
- Go into Terminal by hitting Ctrl+T and enter the following command:
echo "blacklist psmouse" | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf
- This issue mght also be caused by inadvertantly brushing the touchpad while I was typing. I installed the Touchpad Switcher extension to enable quickly disabling and re-enabling the touchpad. This extension adds a small toggle to the system settings dropdown available in the upper right corner of the screen. No more jumping cursor issues when typing!
Accessing Your Windows Partition from Ubuntu
- By default you'll see it but you can't access it (mount it).
- Go into the Ubuntu Disks Utility (lower left corner/Show Apps/Utilities/Disks)
- Click your disk in the left column
- Click on your Windows partition and click the gear
- Click Edit Mount options
- Turn off User Session Mounts, add ,remove_hiberfile and save it. It should look like this:
- You can now access your Windows partition from Ubuntu.
Desktop Icons
- Current version of Ubuntu doesn't support Desktop icons. You can re-enable this by installing Gnome Extensions.
- First, install Extension Manager: sudo apt install gnome-shell-extension-manager
- Next, remove the outdated desktop extension that this installed: sudo apt remove gnome-shell-extension-desktop-icons-ng
- Logout and log back in (via upper right corner) to enable Extension Manager.
- Extension Manager is accessible in your Applications (click the Ubuntu icon in lower left corner).
- Open Extension Manager, click Browse tab and type ding
- Multiple extensions may show up. Pick the one with GTK4 and click the Install button.
- Desktop icons should now show up.
- Notes:
- Drag and drop creation of shortcut URLs from a browser are not yet supported. You can install an alternate desktop manager like nemo which supports this. I found that nemo seems to break WayDroid (see below) so I uninstalled it.
Run Android Apps on Ubuntu
- Initialize Waydroid with the GAPPS branch in Terminal (or run the GUI and choose GAPPS from the dropdown):
sudo waydroid init -s GAPPS
- Note: if you have previously initialized a non-GAPPS branch of Waydroid, you must remove it first with:
sudo rm -r /var/lib/waydroid
sudo rm -r /home/.waydroid
sudo rm -r ~/waydroid
sudo rm -r ~/.share/waydroid
sudo rm -r ~/.local/share/waydroid
- Waydroid is accessible in your Applications (click the Ubuntu icon in lower left corner).
- Register Waydroid with Google Services. This enables Google Play, enabling you to install and run Android apps.
- Go to and sign in with the Google account you wish to register this device with.
- In your host's terminal, enter the following command to retrieve & print the Google Services Framework Android ID:
echo 'ANDROID_RUNTIME_ROOT=/apex/ sqlite3 /data/data/ "select * from main where name = \"android_id\";"' | sudo waydroid shell
- This ID will only exist if the Google Play Store has been successfully opened at least once on the device.
- Copy the retrieved number into the URL above & click Register.
- You can pin Android apps to the Ubuntu sidebar after installing them in Waydroid.
Reinstalling Waydroid
In case you need to remove Waydroid and start over, follow the steps below:
- Stop the session and containers:
waydroid session stop
sudo waydroid container stop
- Remove Waydroid:
sudo apt remove waydroid
- Reboot, log back in and do a little cleanup:
sudo rm -rf /var/lib/waydroid /home/.waydroid ~/waydroid ~/.share/waydroid ~/.local/share/applications/*aydroid* ~/.local/share/waydroid
- Now you can follow the install instructions again.